To all of our family and friends we want to wish you all a fabulous start to 2008.
It's amazing how in one year so many things can change! This time last year Christian and I were in Vietnam, eating bananas and mangoes galore, riding around on scooters or in tiny little wooden boats, wondering what we would see and who we would meet in the next village, thinking about the future and what would be instore for us once we returned home.
We are now home, surrounded by meters of snow. For the past two weeks we have been enjoying our holidays. Our first Christmas at home in three years, and we spent most of the time at the cottage, away from the bustling life which has become the norm.

Feeling like little kids again with all this snow, we literally played outside for hours. Christian made his first quincy (kind of like an igloo), which might I say was a fine example of his engineering skills - enough room for 6 people and an entrance hall! How grande! Though the temperature at times soared to +4, we managed to get out onto the lake and go for a nice skate. It was pitch black and the snow was falling. All you could hear was the creaking ice and the coyotes in a neighboring bay.
When we weren't outside we were bundled next to the fire, reading good books, playing hilarious games, drinking fine of wines and eating tasty German treats!

Our holidays were shared with our family and friends. For those of you we were not able to see, you were in our thoughts, and we hope to be able to spend time together in 2008.
More pics to come!
All our love, Karina and Christan