Our favorite mode of transportation

These are our bikes that we use to get around the island when we are not too lazy. The bikes are a little small for me but we have adjusted everything to make it work. We usually go out three times a week for an hour or two depending on the weather. It's alot of fun racing down the hills and speeding past the koreans on there mounain bikes. The bikes are korean-made but the frames are made of aluminium which makes them really light. We are hoping to bring them back home depending on the costs. Hope to be riding with you soon ETs.
Talk to you all soon,

Nice bikes!!! We'll for sure go for some rides next summer. I'm all geared up! Last night, coming back from a game of Starfarers of Catan with Mat, his bro and his soon-to-be father-in-law, I raced the #5 bus home... and I won!!! But I guess I had a bit of an advantage since it had to do all the stops ;)
1:24 p.m.
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