Having fun so far

Hello everyone,
First of all, for some reason the comments on this blog are not working. We can't fix it because the blog only comes up in Korean and I don't understand anything. We will try to get it fixed in the next few days if we can get a hold of an english CPU. Please send us emails at our email addresses. We will let you know when we have made the changes.
As for life on the island, we are really enjoyed it so far. We have been eating a bunch of tangerines. The city of Seogwipo and the island of Jeju are famous for their tangerines and they have just come into season. It's awesome, we will have fresh tangerines till january and maybe february.
Teaching is fun too, the kids are nice and for some reason they are scared of me and listen. Who knows how long that will last. I have some very smart kids in class and it is very fun to be with them for an hour. I'm starting to know everyones name and it helps to keep control. The one class that I am having trouble with is my adult class. It is a very beginner class and I have not taught before so I hope they are learning a few things. It's hard to get them talking in class. They are afraid of making mistakes.
One thing, which is fun, at times, is giving the kids english names. I have named one kid Bob and another Joe. So by the end, they'll be abunch of korean kids named after my buddies. I think it's funny. I have this kid named Double Oh in one of my classes. He is very smart. They all pick up english very quick.
We hope to go up the mountain this week-end. It should be fun.
Talk to you soon.
Christian and Karina
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